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Re: Huion tablet support

Dear adr,

On 2025-02-20, adr wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, adr wrote:
> > So what do you think? Should a new axis be added to wscons only
> > for this? Should the z axis be used for pressure on these devices?
> > (and w for tilt?)
> The Z axis could be setup as pressure at
> sys/dev/hid/hidms.c:hidms_setup()
> [...]
>         /* Try the wheel first as the Z activator since it's tradition. */
>         hl = hid_locate(desc,
>                         size,
>                         HID_USAGE2(HUP_GENERIC_DESKTOP, HUG_WHEEL),
>                         id,
> [...]
>         /*
>          * The horizontal component of the scrollball can also be given by
>          * Application Control Pan in the Consumer page, so if we didnt see
>          * any Z then check that.
>          */
>         if (!hl) {
>                 hl = hid_locate(desc,
>                                 size,
>                                 HID_USAGE2(HUP_CONSUMER, HUC_AC_PAN),
>                                 id,
> [...]
> I could addd a similar block to check for HUD_TIP_PRESSURE after
> that.  If the device has a wheel the pressure wont be set as z.
> Another solution could be proposed if someone encounters such a
> device.
> But the ws driver should be modified as Yorick did.
> If there is no concense in the use of Z for tip pressure, there is
> no point in taking the trouble of doing this.
> Regards.
> adr

Sorry for not replying sooner, I am interested in getting something committed;
but I am swamped until probably at least end of March (perhaps even June).
I think it is worth pursuing. I don't have any experience of tablets with
a z or w wheel -- so it seems okay for now. But perhaps a little investigation
is warranted first so that we can ensure that any future device support
is not crippled by our decisions now.

Kind regards,

Yorick Hardy

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