Subject: Re: authd (identd)
To: Nick Loman <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/02/1996 22:27:02
> Can anyone recommend an identd package which compiles under NetBSD
> 1.1? I've tried several: authd3.03, bsd-pidentd and pidentd (various
> versions) and am having unusual difficulties compiling it- mainly
> relating to deficiences in some .h files.
(The above paragraph was one long line in your message.)
The identd that comes as a standard part of NetBSD works OK, I think, and
seems to be based on pidentd-2.1.2. What I actually use right now is
pidentd-2.7b1, with some Makefile changes to make it use the kernel config
file "netbsd.c" that comes with NetBSD.
--apb (Alan Barrett)