Subject: Re: POP3 and Sendmail thanks!
To: Nick Loman <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-net
Date: 02/03/1997 20:52:44
On Mon, 3 Feb 1997, Nick Loman wrote:
> Many thanks for all your help on my SENDMAIL problem!
> I had some kind of hacker attack last Thursday which succeeded in hosing my
> spwd.db file and filling up my hard drive with wAreZ. As a result I'd like
> to get a lot more logging on my TCP services.
> Can anyone suggest a:
> - good POP3 client which logs transactions in a detailed fashion
client or server?
> - useful tcpwrapper that they've had success with (which supports logging)
-current has libwrap built in - plus some security holes fixed.
> - foolproof ftpd (I presume wuftpd but perhaps not?)
I thought that at least -current ftpd was ok...
David/abs david@{,,}
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