Subject: Re: BOOTP support (change request)
To: None <>
From: Koji Imada - je4owb/2 <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/22/1997 23:23:10
>>>>> "|" == Matthias Drochner <> writes:
>> Unfortunately, this means that if you `ifconfig xx0 up' without
>> supplying an address (for whatever reason, say because something's
>> broken in an rc script somewhere) you're recieving all packets and,
>> presumably, trying to deal with them.
|> Isn't this bad behaviour of "ifconfig" which should be changed?
|> If a user requests to change a flag, just a flag should be affected.
I think so. Check bin/3477 which I sent. It will match your request.
I tried to "snoop" only with (modified)tcpdump. But you needs to
disable IP stack(don't set any address to interfaces including lo0),
as you said.
About network interfaces, I want some filtering for IP stack. In
current implementation, Incoming packet is checked for all addrsses of
all interfaces. I want to accept some addresses for one interface and
other addresses for another.
If this is implemented, I can snoop one network on host connected to
other network using IP.
Koji Imada - je4owb/2