Subject: Re: Nfs stalls on 1.3.1/i386
To: None <tech-net@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Lucio de Re <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/04/1998 15:35:47
According to Anders Eriksson <> :
> Has the nfs subsystem changes to 1.3.1?
I have found it impossible to mount reliably NFS-exported filesystems
from NetBSD 1.3 (not sure about 1.3.1) to 1.2.1 and 1.1 clients. The
mount succeeds but any access is rejected, even simple directory
listings, with permission denied diagnostics.
I have some additional interesting issues to raise about compatibility
with Plan 9's NFS server, but these are of secondary importance.
I would also appreciate some insights on changes to NFS server and/or
client in 1.3 and 1.3.1 that may explain this behaviour.
Lucio de Re (
Disclaimer: I'm working at getting my opinions to agree with me.