Subject: Solved: Nfs stalls on 1.3.1/i386
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: Anders Eriksson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/04/1998 21:07:27
Hi again,
Adding -T to the mount did the trick, thanks a lot to all who replied.
You wrote:
> (Anders Eriksson) writes:
> >From times to times filesystem just hangs solid. Any shells to other machine
> s
> >continues to work so the basic networking in the client is functioning. All
> >tries to access the nfs mounted /home hangs the shell in question.
> That sounds like your NICs can't cope with back-to-back packets.
> Have you tried reducing the read and write size to 1KB or using TCP mounts?
> Also, you didn't say which machine is the server.
> --
> Christoph Badura
> Now available in print: Lion's Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Co
> de