Subject: Re: SOLVED! The cause of puzzling TCP (eg. WHOIS) connection failures with some hosts
To: NetBSD Networking Technical Discussion List <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/22/1998 00:56:34
>>>>> "Greg" == Greg A Woods <> writes:
Greg> What you've said (about the protocol being fine vs. needing to pay
Greg> attention to ICMP issues) is somewhat self contradictory. It
You need to expand this a bit.
ICMP is a part of IP. It doesn't stand on its own. If you don't handle
ICMP, then you haven't implemented IP.
Greg> doesn't really matter how the ICMP "needs frag" packet gets lost if
Greg> its loss can cause something like a TCP/IP connection to fail.
Greg> extra transmissions), and in the case of TCP connections
Greg> implementing a retry without DF if there's neither an ACK nor an
Greg> ICMP reply in a reasonable time would make the server more robust.
This is known as black hole detection.
Greg> (Until I scanned through RFC 1191 just recently I didn't realize
Greg> PMTUD was normally at the IP level, and not only at the TCP level
It is just easiest with TCP, since you have something that you can do
other than fragment....
Greg> My initial reading of RFC 1191 suggests that some of the suggested
Greg> implementations are at least as complex as my proposal, if not more
Greg> so. (eg. keeping track of all PMTU values and aging them out,
Greg> etc.)
Except that the PMTU work happens at the edges, and not on the router.
Greg> Convincing firewall vendors to not allow filtering of normal ICMP
Greg> should not require any changes in the RFCs -- quite the opposite
Greg> actually.
My point is that it may require a document that explains to them why
they are non-compliant.
:!mcr!: | Network and security consulting/contract programming
Michael Richardson | Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.