Subject: Re: includes pulling in what they need?
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/07/1998 01:09:06
On Sun, 6 Dec 1998, Jason Thorpe wrote:
> > I'm trying to get some Linux software using network routines to run under
> > NetBSD, and I wonder if it would be possible to our headers that they pull
> > in any additional headers, instead of just breaking because of undefined
> > data types.
> Which headers, specifically, are you thinking of?
In general, everything that needs some definitions made in another file
would be optimal. I've stumbled across netinet/ip.h wanting type n_time,
which I found to be defined in netinet/in_systm.h today, and it's probably
some others. (And I guess I better don't ask that source level
compatibility w/ some penguin driven OS would be nice in that area - but
then what do I know about anything of either's network programming :-/)
- Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>