Subject: Re: questions re: Lance chips
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-net
Date: 03/26/1999 11:14:51
[ On Monday, March 22, 1999 at 20:06:38 (-0500), Michael Richardson wrote: ]
> Subject: questions re: Lance chips
> Does anyone have any experience with the Lance chipset(s) failing to report
> missed packets, such as due to being out of receive descriptors? I'm not
> talking about specific lance.c issues, but generally with the chip?
> I figure that NetBSD folk have the most experience now with lance chips
> due to Sparc/Sun3/etc. Unfortunately, I have to finish debugging our Linux/NT
> before I can pass it onwards, and focus on completing the more important
> driver...
I've not seen any noticable problem on my sparcs (nor do I recall any on
the sun3). I've always wanted to port the "lestats" program I used to
run on SunOS-4, but I haven't got around to whacking the driver to
return the right info in a user-visible structure.
I do get the following under load from the "le" driver on i386 though
(1.3.3 and 1.3I): "le0: device timeout". On occasion I get "excessive
collisions" messages too, but only when there are too many. I don't
think I've ever seen the latter on a busy squid cache that's connected
directly to a switch port though.
FYI the probe reports the following on the i386 machines (these are
10/100 interfaces too):
le0 at pci1 dev 5 function 0: PCnet-PCI Ethernet
le0: address 00:06:29:05:XX:XX
le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
le0: interrupting at irq 14
On 1.3.3 ifconfig reports "media: manual status: active" with a 100baseT
connection, and on 1.3I it reports "media: Ethernet autoselect" with a
10baseT connection. No "mediaopt" flags were specified in either case.
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098 VE3TCP <> <robohack!woods>
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets of the Weird <>