Subject: Re: Userspace ppp (Was: Re: Ongoing projects)
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/07/1999 17:49:59
Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU> writes:
> In message <>"Perry E. Metzger" writes
> >> *sigh*. It'll make a nice package.
> >
> >WHY?
> >
> >I've asked several times, and you haven't answered: What is it that
> >this userland PPP does that our kernel version does not do? You keep
> >saying "compression" but we have compression. What is different here?
> Interoperability with whatever compression the FreeBSD implementation
> provides? I think Andy did say that.
We do interoperate already so far as I know.
The only thing we don't do is STAC. No one else does, either, in a
free Unix.