Subject: Re: Using host number 0?
To: None <>
From: Jeff Weisberg <jaw@Op.Net>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/16/1999 10:22:43 exclaimed:
| Now, I _know_ that the zeroth host is kinda special, but my new ISP has
| me set up this way:
| 	My net-block
| 	Gateway  (ie, host #0 in my subnet)
| Is there any hope for me?  Is there anything I can do to make ARP handle
| the zeroth host?  Or am I doomed?  :)

point this out to your ISP. hopefully they just made a typo and
did not intend to do this.

if your ISP did this intentionally, run, don't walk, to a new ISP.
