Subject: Re: independant setting of ifp/ifa on routes
To: None <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/25/1999 11:02:58
> Hoorrah! Is some sanity checking in route(8) required/worth considering?
This is a "enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot" feature. the
kernel verifies that both -ifp and -ifa addresses point at real
interfaces; I'm not sure what else is necessary.
> Likewise, how would this affect routed/gated?
On first glance, it doesn't appear as if they would be affected at all.
routed doesn't set RTA_IFP or RTA_IFA in the "route add"
messages it sends, so existing behavior would be preserved.
gated appears to set RTA_IFP in some of the multicast routing
code for an RTM_CHANGE message (in krt_resolve_cache in
krt_ipmulti_rtsock.c); my change is only to how RTA_IFP/RTA_IFA
are handled in an RTM_ADD message.
like routed, gated doesn't set RTA_IFP or RTA_IFA in the
unicast routing code.
Naturally, some additional work in the kernel and in gated would allow
for true unnumbered point-to-point interfaces.
- Bill