Subject: speaking of routing and changing networks...
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/27/1999 11:53:42
i've got an "interesting" setup that, while it works just fine,
confuses in me in several "trivial" aspects. it's something like
[my host] [another host]
the router receives several /24 blocks and a /20 from "the internet"
(where everything is effectively "unicast" since nothing outside the
router knows of the ultimate topology of our networks). the router
sends me 1 address of the local /24 and a /27 from the /20, from right
at the top.
where is gets fun is how i use the /27. i'm using it all up as /32
aliases, so i know that none of the addresses is a broadcast address
and my (perhaps limited cidr knowledge) tells me i ought to be able to
use all 32 of them (i am indeed using the effective "network number"
of the /27 i get). then...just for fun...i'm routing *one* of the
(1) why can't i use the -1 address? i'm using the 0 address just
(2) why, when i traceroute to the forwarded address, do the icmp
"timed out" responses come from an address in the /27 instead of the
address i'm using that's part of the lan?
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."