Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: None <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/02/1999 10:02:07 writes:
> 	I'm running make build to check if eproto_db[] is used at all
> 	from the outside.  If nobody else (in NetBSD src tree, actually)
> 	is touching this, is it still necessary to increase the major #?

The question is, does code outside our source tree use it, and, in the
general case we can't know the answer to that question.

This may be a special case: no headers define that (or the structure
it's made of), so anybody using it would have to do an awful lot of
the wrong thing to get to it.  In this case it _might_ be OK to just
make it static, but it sets a very, very, very bad precedent.

Chris Demetriou - -
Disclaimer: Not speaking for NetBSD, just expressing my own opinion.