Subject: Re: ALTQ integration?
To: Andrew Gillham <>
From: Zdenek Salvet <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/09/1999 08:14:49
> Are there any plans to add ALTQ support to the kernel? Or perhaps
> to add NetBSD support to ALTQ? With QoS getting real attention these
> days, it would be great if NetBSD supported some decent queuing and
> other QoS related services. Since seems even more important if you
> consider the recent high-speed synchronous board support.
NetBSD support for ALTQ is included in both KAME and INRIA IPv6
packages, it may be coming with current KAME code integration.
Zdenek Salvet
Ustav vypocetni techniky Masarykovy univerzity, Brno
tel.: ++420-5-41 512 257 Fax: ++420-5-41 212 747
If God had meant for us to be in the Army,
we would have been born with green, baggy skin.