Subject: Re: Firewalling made difficult
To: None <>
From: Paul B Dokas <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/03/1999 22:31:23
On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Paul B Dokas wrote:
> The Internet
> |
> |
> +============+
> | ADSL Modem |
> +============+
> |
> |
> |
> |A.B.C.D
> +====+=====+
> | Firewall |
> +====+=====+
> |
> |
> |
> ---------------------------------+
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> +=====+ +=====+ +=====+
> | A | | B | | C |
> +=====+ +=====+ +=====+
> That is, I've got a Firewall with 2 NICS attached to a cable modem. The
> external NIC has a static IP and the internal has a non-routable IP.
> There are many machines on the internal LAN, I've simply shown only
> 3.
> And this works just fine. As each host makes outbound connects, they
> get mapped to the firewall's IP address. The filtering rules are also
> very adequate for my needs (only allow a few outbound ports, like www,
> ftp, ssh, icmp and don't allow *any* inbound traffic that doesn't have
> a matching "keep state").
> But, I've now got a block of IP addresses (8 to be exact) and I've got
> to make a few changes. With 8 addresses, I've got 5 usable for machines,
> one of which gets assigned to the firewall, leaving 4 more. This is where
> it gets sticky.
> I've got to map these spare IP addresses to *internal* machines such that
> the firewall will allow *bi*directional traffic. That is, packets created
> at an internal machine go through the firewall and always appear as if they
> came from the same machine. And in-bound packets from the Internet, need
> to be passed through the firewall and aways get routed to the same internal
> machine.
> Basically, a few machines need to be mapped to static external IP addresses
> and allow inbound traffic. In essence, they need to both "map" and "rdr" at
> the same time.
> Just in case you're wondering, I plan to set up highly selective filters at
> the firewall so that these statically mapped internal machines will only talk
> to a very few select computers on the Internet. And then only a few ports on
> each internal machine will be visible. Yea, yea, I know, "Yuck!".
> Unfortunately, I don't have a choice. :-( I would create VPNish tunnels to
> accomplish this, but that's also not an option.
> Now, as I said earlier, I've rtfm'd everything that I could find. About the
> only small lead that I've seen is a reference to the undocumented ipnat
> keyword called "bimap" (section 3.3 in
> which looks hopeful.
To follow up my own posting. I believe that I've found the answer (although
I haven't had a chance to test it out). After reading the IP-Filter
email list archive ( and searching for all
references to "bimap", it definitely appears to be the answer that I'm looking
My ipnat.conf should be something like this:
bimap ep0 -> A.B.C.E/32
map ep0 -> A.B.C.D/32 portmap tcp/udp 10000:40000
map ep0 -> A.B.C.D/32
This will create a one-to-one mapping between A.B.C.E and machine and
leave all of the other machines to NAT as usual.
Then I should be able to create ipf rules to highly restrict access to
the bimap'd machines based on their external address.
Paul Dokas
Don Juan Matus: "an enigma wrapped in mystery wrapped in a tortilla."