Subject: Re: Poor NFS-performance
To: Anders Welen <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/17/1999 09:20:18
I'm having problem with really poor NFS performance between NetBSD and
Solaris 2.6.
What *specific* symptoms are you seeing? slow reads? slow writes?
One possibility here.. I believe that recent versions of Solaris send
larger NFS packets by default (16k fragmented udp rather than the more
typical 8k used by most other clients); by default, the NetBSD NFS
server only allocates a ~32k receive buffer size, so back-to-back ~16k
requests would appear to stand a significant chance of getting
Can you see if the problem gets any better if you change solaris to
mount the NetBSD fileserver with rsize=8192,wsize=8192?
- Bill