Subject: Re: state of LFS in current NetBSD
To: Thomas Graichen <>
From: Guenther Grau <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/15/1999 21:08:19
Hi Thomas,
Thomas Graichen wrote:
> i just discovered that someone seems to work on getting the LFS
> filesystem in NetBSD usable - i also played around with it
> in -current but it often hung - so my question is: what
> is the current state and are the plans with it and
> does anyone really use it already ?
(note: I am not an authorative source, just my ramblings)
AFAIK, it's stable and works in a recent -current.
Just try it and report any failures :-) Looks like
you've been there before ;-)
> i also saw commit messages about LFS as root filesystem in the
> lfs sources - dois it already work ? - what one has to take
> care of ? and last but not least - where can one find some
> actual information about all this (the README and TODO
> files in the lfs subdir are quite old now) ?
Don't now about lfs as root fs. I guess this is a matter
of the bootloader/bootblocks, isn't it?