Subject: Re: An approach for detachable interfaces.
To: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/06/1999 20:03:32
>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Rupprecht <> writes:
Wolfgang> (Michael Richardson) writes:
>> (Personally, I just resume once I get home, and dhclient configures
>> the network for me, or otherwise, figures where I am.
Wolfgang> So do you do anything special with daemons that have the wrong
Wolfgang> interface address squirreled away?
Wolfgang> So far I've punted and just reboot the computer when the
Wolfgang> environment changes significantly (eg. home/remote/off-net).
I guess this the question: on such a mobile system what do I really run
that needs listens on sockets?
named? listens on only.
apache? I use it for local stuff, (e.g. testing) only.
What else is there that I care about? Even if I ran inetd (which I don't)
it listens to I don't expect any connections to stay up when I
change my IP address.
] At IETF46 in Washington, DC | firewalls [
] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
] |device driver[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [