Subject: Re: problems with single armed router
To: None <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/15/1999 17:54:51
>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Huang <> writes:
Dave> On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Michael Richardson wrote:
>> The experience I have now is weird: if I ssh/telnet/ping from
>> "phobos" to an external machine (e.g., then I
>> wind up connected to "vonbrown". This is as if I had "ifconfig de0" set.
>> I do have a number of aliases on de1. Any ideas? I'm sucking 1.4.1 down
>> now...
Dave> I'm not sure if this applies, but there was a bug in 1.4 that sounds
Dave> like it might be the cause of your problems...
Dave> patch-01-in_var
Dave> [impacts: all architectures]
Dave> Fixes a critical bug which causes machines to erroneously respond on
Dave> IP addresses other than their own -- this can cause a machine to be
Dave> unable to communicate with certain hosts on the same network.
Dave> A patch to resolve this problem is provided in
This sounds right to me.
1.4.1 has this patch, i've updated and rebooted and all is well again.
:!mcr!: | Solidum Systems Corporation,
Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster<tm>