Subject: Re: output priorities/TOS
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/25/1999 12:33:42
On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 11:00:29AM -0500, Michael Richardson wrote:
> >>>>> "erh" == erh <> writes:
> erh> particular mbuf can figure out it's priority. Flags to add:
> erh> Corresponding to the IP tos flags. Also add these to M_COPYFLAGS.
> erh> Comments?
> Don't write new code that calls it the "TOS" field.
> It should be an index into a table of Per-Hop Behaviour (PHB)s. The mapping
> for a particular packet's DSCP field to PHB should be sysctl'able.
hmm.. well I'm not currently interested in implementing all of the
DS stuff. I just wanted to standardize the way we tell hw level drivers
about the priorities. I suppose using the standard PHBs for this would
make it easier to add DS in the future if anyone wanted to. Do you know
where I could find a list of standard PHBs?