Subject: Re: is this a job for ipnat?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/05/1999 02:19:37
>> [...packet-rewriting want...]
> This should work just fine with a ipnat rule like:
> rdr ppp0 port=23 -> port=7575 tcp
> (or
> rdr ppp0 port=23 -> port=7575 tcp
> if you actually want connections to to
> get redirected.
> )
Oh, it's possible to be that specific? Wonderful. And yes, I really
want to redirect .78.38 port 23 to .78.1 port 57575, not .78.1 port 23
to .78.1 port 7575 - if I'd wanted to redirect .78.1 port 23 when using
the serial-line netlink, I could have and would have. :-)
> And, since ipnat keeps track of the connections it is currectly
> redirecting you will still be able to connect to port 7575 normally.
Oh, ick. I really don't want anything stateful; these connections
sometimes sit idle for long periods, and I don't want one to get killed
because the gateway box got rebooted.
It sounds as though ipnat does too much - I want its packet matching
and rewriting engine but not the rest of it. Is there some way to tell
it "don't keep state, just rewrite the packets"? I can easily enough
put rdr lines on both le0 and encap0 (saying ppp0 was a mistake, I now
realize - it's really encap0 that needs the rewriting; ppp0 sees only
the encapsulation "outer" packets) to rewrite packets in both
directions, if that's what it takes.
der Mouse
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