Subject: requirements for router
To: None <>
From: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
List: tech-net
Date: 01/03/2000 17:07:41
Hi all,
I wanted to set up a pc running NetBSD to act as a router between
two networks. There will be about 500MB to 1GB data transferred
per month and the router has two 10MB/s ethernet cards. It should
do some firewalling and NAT. I intended to use a Pentium 166 or
Pentium Pro 200 and an old 170MB harddisk (such environment
was sufficient for routers to the internet). I do not want this pc to
become a bottleneck, so will 64MB Ram be enough or shuold I use
128 MB. And can I run this setup without swap space as there
should be no need for that.
Thanks in advance