Subject: Re: SMC91C92 (if_sm.c/smc91cxx.c) gets unicast packet twice on BPF
To: Charlie Root <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 01/17/2000 15:41:40
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>Also, since we're setting IFF_SIMPLEX, we should not receive this
>packet again, since the network stack already looped it back
>internally if necessary. Doing so causes a duplicate packet to reach
>the upper-level protocols, which is canonically wrong. It is already
>the case that smc91cxx_read() drops multicast and broadcast packets
>from our address in promiscuous mode; it needs to be adjusted to also
>do so for unicast packets (i.e. by just removing the test on the
>destination address). In addition, this block should be moved *after*
>the call to bpf_mtap().
thanks for comment, does this look correct?
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Index: smc91cxx.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/dev/ic/smc91cxx.c,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -c -r1.20 smc91cxx.c
*** smc91cxx.c 1999/09/28 17:55:33 1.20
--- smc91cxx.c 2000/01/17 06:41:18
*** 928,958 ****
if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC) != 0) {
- * Make sure to behave as IFF_SIMPLEX in all cases.
* Drop multicast/broadcast packet looped back from myself.
- *
- * This is to cope with SMC91C92 (Megahertz XJ10BT), which
- * loops back multicast packet to itself on promiscuous mode.
- * (should be ensured by chipset configuration)
if ((eh->ether_dhost[0] & 1) == 1 && /* mcast || bcast */
ether_cmp(eh->ether_shost, LLADDR(ifp->if_sadl)) == 0) {
goto out;
- }
- #if NBPFILTER > 0
- /*
- * Hand the packet off to bpf listeners.
- */
- if (ifp->if_bpf)
- bpf_mtap(ifp->if_bpf, m);
- #endif
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC) != 0) {
* If this is unicast and not for me, drop it.
--- 928,949 ----
+ /*
+ * Make sure to behave as IFF_SIMPLEX in all cases.
+ * This is to cope with SMC91C92 (Megahertz XJ10BT), which
+ * loops back packets to itself on promiscuous mode.
+ * (should be ensured by chipset configuration)
+ */
if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC) != 0) {
* Drop multicast/broadcast packet looped back from myself.
if ((eh->ether_dhost[0] & 1) == 1 && /* mcast || bcast */
ether_cmp(eh->ether_shost, LLADDR(ifp->if_sadl)) == 0) {
goto out;
* If this is unicast and not for me, drop it.
*** 962,967 ****
--- 953,966 ----
goto out;
+ #if NBPFILTER > 0
+ /*
+ * Hand the packet off to bpf listeners.
+ */
+ if (ifp->if_bpf)
+ bpf_mtap(ifp->if_bpf, m);
+ #endif
m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = packetlen;
(*ifp->if_input)(ifp, m);
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