Subject: Re: v6 question
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 02/09/2000 18:38:15
On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 wrote:
> >I got some tunnel here that has one endpoint in one of my /64s, using gif0
> >as the tunnel device. I want to advertise another of my /64s on the local
> >ethernet (ne0). Is running rtsold here the way to go?
> I hope I got it right...
> If the target of the advertisement (from ne0) is end node, run
> rtadvd on your router like
> # rtadvd ne0
> and run rtsol on your end nodes.
> your peer
> |
> | tunnel
> |
> your router
> | ne0
> ==+===== foo/64
> your end nodes
> If you need to advertise routes to another router, route6d (or
> pkgsrc/net/zebra) should be used to advertise routes.
OK, but what's rtsold for then - running rtsol in background?
- Hubert
> >BTW, "dig -x" doesn't seem to understand v6 addresses - just wanted to
> >mention this...
> I always type the by hand :-)
*shiver* :-)
- Hubert
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