Subject: Re: Cloning network pseudo-devices
To: None <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/02/2000 10:28:21
On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 09:54:20AM -0700, Jason R Thorpe wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 10:15:10AM +0900, wrote:
> > i'm yet to try the code out myself, but does it mean "create" is
> > mandatory for all cases for gif? I would like to see N gif devices
> > to present on startup, with "pseudo-device gif N". it seems to
> > me that gifattach() does nothing about "count" argument.
> Yes, I suppose I could change it to do that. I guess that would make
> it more consistent with interfaces that have not yet been changed to
> support cloning...
Actually, I just thought about this again... I think I do not want
to do this... because it is not possible to specify "include gif, but
do not-precreate any". That means that a user would ALWAYS have to
special-case at least gif0, which I think is wrong.
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>