Subject: Re: kernel comp problems ..
To: Mipam <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/07/2000 14:35:19
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Mipam wrote:
Why are you asking this question on tech-net? :-)
> For the first time i am running in this error:
> config Blabla (copy of GENERIC)
> /dev/null:1: cannot open ../../../../conf/files for reading: no such
> file or directory.
> ??? never had this problem before, of course there is no conf dir in /usr/src
> why is he searching there now all over sudden?
It looks like it might be trying to include some sort of crypto reach-over
support, which used to be off of /usr/src. ??
Maybe check the differences between your config and GENERIC?
Take care,