Subject: Re: IEEE 802.3
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/29/2000 00:53:40
>>> I have a question about IEEE 802.3. What three Network Operating
>>> Systems (NOSs) can be used in an IEEE 802.3 environment?
>> This sounds like an exam question. [...some answers]
> [...more answers...]
> Why am I helping with an exam question? Because it sounds like the
> exam writer is clueless and deserves to be reminded of the fact.
Also, answering the actual question - what OSes can be used with 802.3
- will not help a student faced with the challenge of regurgitating the
particular three-OS list the exam author appears to want, and therefore
will not reward an attempt to cheat with a better grade.
der Mouse
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