Subject: Re: Coax sizes for 'thicknet' type Ethernet
To: NetBSD Networking Technical Discussion List <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/31/2000 10:03:34
At 9:55 PM -0400 7/29/00, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>One thing I haven't learned about Ethernet yet is whether or not 100mb/s
>Ethernet allows for AUI connectors, and if it does whether anyone makes
>any equipment with 100mb/s AUI ports, etc. (I would rather hope it
>doesn't, especially given the confusion mentioned above! ;-)
It certainly seems it should be possible in theory. However I have
never, ever, seen any equipment of that type. Given the relative
cost of cable and the lack of AUI ports on current computers I would
not expect to see anything like that in the future either.
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