Subject: Re: Configuring an IPv6 router, what do I need to configure
To: Andrew White <>
From: Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <>
List: tech-net
Date: 03/19/2001 14:22:17
>> >(1) What configuration files do I need to set to have the system
>> >configure like this? (What is the MINIMAL set of config files
>> >required?).
>> /etc/ifconfig.en0:
>> inet6 fec0::1:0201:23ff:fe45:6789 prefixlen 64 alias
>> /etc/ifconfig.en1:
>> inet6 fec0::2:0201:23ff:fe45:6789 prefixlen 64 alias
>> /etc/rc.conf: add the following lines.
>> ip6mode=router
>> rtadvd=YES rtadvd_flags="en0 en1"
>OK. So I have to specify the entire address for en0 and en1, and can't
>simply specify the prefix and have the card construct the address?
if you are sure you can mount /usr before ifconfig, you may be able
to use sed/awk trick like below:
ifid=`ifconfig wi0 inet6 | grep fe80: | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/%.*//' -e 's/fe80:://'`
it is not always possible.
>> you do not need /etc/rtadvd.conf, as documented in rtadvd(8)
>> manpage.
>As long as I specify the ifconfig.* files.
incorrect; you need to configure interface addresses under P::x
when you advertise prefix P::/64. otherwise, onlink determination
will disagree between the router and hosts, and willl show very
strange behavior.
>Thanks very much.
no problem!