Subject: ADSL upstream problems on Sparc NetBSD 1.5
To: None <>
From: Sebastian Wain <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/06/2001 21:46:28
I have an ADSL connection (using the ethernet Alcatel Speed Touch Home
modem) and in any operating system that I used this connection via PPTP
(Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, excepted windows) there is a problem "uploading"
information to Internet, that is sending a bulk of data from my machine to
other on Internet (for example sending an attachment in my mail, doing a
scp to a remote machine and so on).
Currently the NetBSD is my firewall and it's the machine connected
to the modem doing nat.
I read some info about this problem on Internet, it's related to a MTU
problem, but playing with differents hints I have not solved it.
There is some tcpmssfix in the ppp program, but since the pptp is using the
pppd I didn't see any patch to this (or I didn't recognize it).
If someone can Help, I will be very grateful.
Thank You
Sebastian Wain