Subject: Re: OT: 1000BaseT
To: Johan Danielsson <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/21/2001 21:15:30
On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 10:06:04AM +0200, Johan Danielsson wrote:
> Is there any special magic involved in getting this to work? I have
> two types of switches (Cisco and HP), and two types of NICs (one gsip
> and one in an SGI, most likely tigon based). None of them talk to each
> other.

My D-Link works with a Cisco 2950T-24 switch.  It is a 'gsip' card.

> The only combination I've had any luck with is connecting two
> HP-switches to eachother. I guess this could be a cabling problem, but
> I don't really think so; I've tried a number of different Cat5/5E
> cables.

I'm using some "Super 350" patch cables.  I haven't tried plain Cat5 stuff

> Anyone with ideas on what might be wrong?

Not really.  What kind of Cisco switch is it?  What does the output
of 'ifconfig -m gsip0' show?
