Subject: PMTU-D broken with NetBSD router?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/04/2001 03:37:36
I'm seeing a problem with path MTU discovery when a NetBSD router is in
the path. I can't easily check to see if it's been fixed, but given
how much I seem to push the envelope, I suspect nobody else has even
It seems that packets can be refused for forwarding based on a route's
MTU, but the returned UNREACH_NEEDFRAG ICMP error takes its MTU from
the interface's MTU. If the route's MTU is smaller than the
interface's, this leads to an MTU-D black hole: it keeps returning
unreachables indicating an MTU that in fact won't work. (I discovered
this on a system where the outgoing interface MTU is 1300 but the route
MTU is 1024. traceroute -P is smart enough to notice that the returned
UNREACH_NEEDFRAG packets are reporting broken values; the kernel on the
sending host isn't.)
I noticed this with ip_icmp.c 1.41; it appears that ip_icmp.c 1.60 (the
most recent I have at ready hand) has similar trouble - icmp_error
takes an interface pointer, not a route pointer or an MTU value.
Since the destination interface pointer to icmp_error is used solely
for finding MTU values for use in NEEDFRAG unreachables, I intend to
try changing it to take an MTU value there instead; if this fixes
things, I'll send-pr it. I mention it here in case the assembled
wisdom has something to suggest on the matter.
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