Subject: Re: dhclient on a diskless machine
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/28/2001 14:41:35
On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> > Any suggestions on what to do, other than turn of dhclient?
> This would be easy if all IP adresses on an interface were equivalent:
> throw away the old one only when the new one is installed.
Doing this sounds like the best thing to do. :-) Especially as *its going
to get the same IP it has now* !!! :-)
> Well, there is still the issue of the default route if it's different ...
> We'd also need to be able to specify multiple default route.
> Maybe for now a dhclient flag or config option telling it to not update the
> IP address or route would be enouth ?
Or somehow start using the lease the kernel got would be good too.
Take care,