Subject: Re: racoon interoperability
To: Darren Reed <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/26/2002 18:57:52
>> >Is IPSec in the NetBSD tree ever going to be updated again ?
>> there's not much difference w/ kame. do you have specific item which
>> you want to see it merged?
>No, I'd just prefer it if there was no difference so that any bugs fixed in
>KAME are also fixed in NetBSD in some sort of regular update.
hmm. my strategy is to bring in functionalities that are known to
be stable enough (both from implementation and specification POV).
for example, i specifically did not merge rijndael until AES finalist
is chosen as algorithm # was not officially allocated.
if you know of any functionality that is lacking in NetBSD and present
in KAME, just drop me a note. thanks.