Subject: Re: "proxy arp" for ipv6?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/04/2002 22:42:49
>> I've actually got a /56 (assigned out of a friendly site's /48), of
>> which I'm using a /96, with the other 40 bits presently all 0.
> it is up to you, but i highly recommend you to use /64 for subnets,
> as all specs recommend.

What's the point of expanding the address space to 128 bits if you're
just going to throw half of them away?

> stateless autoconfiguration is possible only with /64,

What is that, and why would I want it?

> and fixed /64 boundary for subnet eases many of management hurdles.

Such as?  I have trouble thinking of anything that outweighs having a
human-comprehensible correspondence between a machine's v6 address and
its v4 address.

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