Subject: Re: AX25 on NetBSD
To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Christophe_Pr=E9votaux?= <>
From: Alex Barclay <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/26/2002 16:34:47
Christophe Prévotaux wrote:
>I looked , and I see nothing concerning AX25 which is *NOT*
>X.25 as you seem to ignore.
>unless I am mistaking , x.25 is useless over a HAM link and
>is not compatible with AX25.
>Thank for the answer anyway :)
I realize that AX25 and X.25 are different. I thought that the major
difference was the addition of source, destination and intemediary
callsigns to meet various governments requirements on callsigns on
transmissions. Are there any other differences?