Subject: Recent wi issues
To: None <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: tech-net
Date: 10/04/2002 13:43:30
Updates to the wi driver have changed functionality in undocumented
ways. Namely:
1) It's been reported to me that Lucent cards used to work with only
one set to IBSS mode. This is probably because the Lucent cards
use the same `port type' for both BSS and IBSS, and was probably a
fluke. I'm not saying it *should* work, but behavioral changes
should be documented.
2) I have cards with Symbol firmware, previously configured to
`mediaopt adhoc' -- i.e. IBSS mode. The driver used to do:
if (sc->sc_sta_firmware_ver >= 20000)
sc->wi_flags |= WI_FLAGS_HAS_IBSS;
if (sc->sc_sta_firmware_ver >= 25000)
sc->wi_flags |= WI_FLAGS_HAS_CREATE_IBSS;
but now does:
if (sc->sc_sta_firmware_ver >= 25000)
ic->ic_flags |= IEEE80211_F_HASIBSS;
hence, `mediaopt adhoc' is no longer listed with my firmware.
Furthermore, the whole concept of `create IBSS' seems to be poorly
understood, documented and implemented. There is no actual concept
of `creating' an IBSS; a host simply starts using it, and other
hosts see it in use. There may be, with some versions of firmware,
an arbitrary distinction between using an IBSS that has been seen,
and using an IBSS that has not been seen; I suspect this is what
the Lucent firmware does.
Could someone please clean this stuff up a little?