Subject: Re: problem with three identical 3Com NICs
To: Thomas Bohnert <>
From: Lucio De Re <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/15/2003 19:34:37
On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 07:14:00PM +0200, Thomas Bohnert wrote:
> Thanks for all your effort. I have an old Siemes Scenic 486 box at home which
> i will install this evening and see whats happening.
> The router is not for a productive purpose, it s only for my private
> interessts on IPv6. So it is not a severe limitation to use an old maschine.
> I only would be kind and spent the best ( remaining ) hardware for this ;-)
If you use "custom" installation, you'll find that NetBSD can be
shrunk considerably and shoehorned onto almost anything 386+.
> After plenty of installation errors with FreeBSD i am quite happy that i was
> able to install this box so quickly.
Let me know if you need help with the NICs, I am quite sure they have
few secrets left. I did have to turn off PnP on some recent ones to
avoid the BIOS screwing them up, but in general I find 3Com adpaters
quite friendly.