Subject: No replys to Bind 8.3.4
To: None <>
From: Jean-Luc Wasmer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/24/2003 11:51:23
I checked the mailing list and google but didn't find any answers.
Sometimes, named stops working and the only way to fix this is to shut it
down and restart it.
This appends once in a blue moon so it's difficult to find the cause.
Tcpdump on the server shows my laptop requesting and address, then the
server requests that address to the root servers but THERE ARE NO REPLIES!
My server keeps sending out request to many servers.
Once I restart named, my server receives the replies!
My config: NetBSD 1.6.1 (BIND: named 8.3.4-REL-NOESW).
I know it's not a connection problem with the ISP since I have the same pbm
at work (with an older version, 8.3.3) at our remote office and I can
connect with ssh to restart Bind (takes some time to connect since sshd
can't reverse lookup my IP address).