Subject: Re: kern/22792 gif and routing
To: Michael van Elst <,>
From: Vincent Jardin <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/15/2003 21:01:21
Le Lundi 15 Septembre 2003 15:08, a =E9crit :
> >kern/22792 deals with gif(4) failing when the underlying interface
> >is temporarily down and the gif driver caches a wrong route.
> >Can anyone please have a look at kern/22792 ? While I now understand
> >the problem I am uncertain on which way to go.
> KAME code has quickhack fix for this - lookup route every 5 seconds.
> i don't think it clean enough, but as there's no other workaround
> found, i'll bring the fix in near future.
What's happened if there are 1000 gif interfaces ? Does it mean that it nee=
1000 timers ? It could be an scaling issue for a tunnel server.