Subject: [Fwd: Re: RFC 2338 (VRRP) and US patent #5,473,599]
To: None <>
From: Michael Hertrick <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/24/2003 16:00:23
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To anyone who is curious,
The attached, unmodified e-mail is from Robert Barr, VP of Intellectual
Property for Cisco and explains their policy with respect to VRRP. I saw
plenty of messages that were supposedly from him posted all over the
Internet, but really needed to see it from him in order to trust it.
I gather from his message that so long as the "product" is 100%
compliant with RFC 2338, no more; no less, then anyone is free to
implement it without charge, royalties, and without Cisco asserting
patent claims against you, even if you're selling the product for
profit. Step outside the bounds of RFC 2338, however, and you're fair
game unless you have a royalty-bearing license with Cisco. They also
have a right to assert patents against anyone who asserts a patent of
their own against Cisco.
Please correct me if I've misinterpreted the message.
The question still remains, but hopefully can be answered now: Are the
VRRP license conditions incompatible with NetBSD's project goals?
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filename="Re: RFC 2338 (VRRP) and US patent #5,473,599"
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Reply-To: <>
From: "Robert Barr " <>
To: "'Michael Hertrick'" <>
Subject: RE: RFC 2338 (VRRP) and US patent #5,473,599
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:58:39 -0800
Message-ID: <009401c3b2c5$5ae64e10$>
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Mr Hertrick:
The following is Cisco's policy with respect to VRRP:
Cisco will not assert any patents owned or controlled by Cisco against any
party for making, using, selling, importing or offering for sale a product
that implements IETF RFC 2338, provided, however that:
Cisco retains the right to assert its patents (including the right to claim
past royalties) against any party that asserts a patent it owns or controls
(either directly or indirectly) against Cisco or any of Cisco's affiliates
or successors in title; and Cisco retains the right to assert its patents
against any product or portion
thereof that is not necessary for compliance with RFC 2338.
If you have any questions, or if you would prefer a royalty-bearing license,
please contact me.
Robert Barr
VP, Intellectual Property
Worldwide Patent Counsel
Cisco Systems
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Hertrick []
> Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 7:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: RFC 2338 (VRRP) and US patent #5,473,599
> Mr. Barr,
> What does Cisco ask in return for a license to write and use a VRRP
> implementation in accordance with RFC 2338?
> Thank you,
> Michael Hertrick
> 571-437-5911
> Neovera, Inc.