Subject: Re: Wireless Networking on BSD
To: None <>
From: Michael Hertrick <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/04/2003 17:27:37
Eric Haszlakiewicz wrote:
>>Thanks for volunteering.
> uh, yeah. :) I didn't pay much attention to the beginnings of the thread
>and assumed someone had some code already.
I started the thread... I do not personally have code, but am about to
begin porting and improving an existing GPL project. Besides the
commercial Linuxant DriverLoader that I'm not allowed to touch, there's
a GPL'ed project on sourceforge called ndiswrapper that has potential to
be ported-to/rewritten-for NetBSD.
With this thread I was trying to figure out what the best solution is.
I made a suggestion in order to draw out ideas about how to address the
issue that most wireless network hardware does not work with NetBSD.
Maybe the solution is NDIS wrapper, maybe it's boycotting
manufacturers/vendors, maybe there really isn't a problem to begin with.
I'm not wrong in believing it to be technically feasible to have a
NetBSD LKM NDIS wrapper, am I? One that could find a home in pkgsrc
instead of src/sys? From what I've heard back so far it sounds like an
optional package would be the way to go.