Subject: Re: Raising NFS parameters for higher bandwith or "long fat pipe"
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/20/2003 21:48:46
In article <>,
Manuel Bouyer <> writes:
> Solaris is probably using TCP.
If the server supports NFSv3 it should indeed do so.
> I'm using amd, so I don't know what NetBSD is using.
Simply use "netstat -f inet" while NFS activaty and look for a TCP connection.
And you can of cause force amd(8) into TCP mode:
tron@lyssa:~>ypmatch -k /defaults amd.home
/defaults: type:=nfs;opts:=rw,nosuid,nodevs,resvport,tcp
Kind regards
Matthias Scheler