Subject: Re: Ethernet receive testing.
To: Nitin P Mahajan <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/06/2004 15:36:59
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On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 05:36:07PM +0200, wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 09:03:33PM +0530, Nitin P Mahajan wrote:
> > I want to test the receive part of my Ethernet driver. My
> > platform doesn't have a GUI and display adapter.
> >=20
> > Is there any other tool other than ethereal with a command line
> > interface with which I can read the incoming and out going packets like
> > ethereal does?
> tcpdump(8)
> Also, you should note that ethereal installs 'tethereal', which serves
> the same purpose.
And also note that ethereal can read save files from both tethereal and=20
tcpdump. So you can capture the files on your platform and move them to=20
another box.
Additionally, note that all platforms (in principle) should support X=20
clients. Even if they don't support an X server. So if you have a working=
high-speed network interface (I realize you might not if you're debugging=
the network driver :-) then you can run ethereal and have the results=20
display on your desktop. From personal experience, I don't recomend this=20
over a 10BaseT link. Fast Ethernet or GigE should be ok.
Take care,
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