Subject: Re: Multicast and PIM
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/10/2004 17:29:05
Manuel Bouyer <> wrote:
> > Can't it be set by hand?
> I don't think it's possible, at last not easily.
What about making an ioctl on the interface with IFF_ALLMULTI? Won't
that do the trick?
> Sorry, I meant igmp, which I think is still mandatory, even with PIM.
But IGMP packets are alwyas sent to, aren't they? So this
rule would match?
pass in on fxp0 to fxp1 from any to
pass in on fxp1 to fxp0 from any to
Emmanuel Dreyfus
Il y a 10 sortes de personnes dans le monde: ceux qui comprennent
le binaire et ceux qui ne le comprennent pas.