Subject: Re: Fix for KAME PF_KEY DUMP-truncation marshalling bug
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/27/2004 11:01:31
In message <>,
Jason Thorpe writes:
>This patch looks OK to me. Are you going to do one for the KAME code,
>too, or just fast-ipsec? [...]
>I think unicast for DUMP is fine. It seems so pointless for DUMP to be
>any other way.
I've been encouraged to commit this (with SADB dump too, of course)
and also to request a 2.0 pullup. AT that point it will be easy
enough to generate a version for sys/netkey/key.c.
Its also about a two-liner to rework the sysctl() API to use the
chain-of-records, rather than one huge single record; eliminating one
of the dump-chain constructors. I propose to do that post-2.0.