Subject: Re: trap in ipw(4)
To: john heasley <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/16/2004 16:18:31
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On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 03:25:38PM -0800, john heasley wrote:
| I've hit a trap in the ipw driver several times on an ibm t41p w/ a
| 2100 3B mini-pci. I can almost reliably trigger it by booting, logging
| in from a remote, and running dmesg. It always occurs at the same place
| each time; IIRC, from the two occasions where it wasnt stuck in X, it
| complained about the value of %ebx, which appears to be m (the mbuf *).
| It seems as if the values of ifp and m (in ipw_start) get swapped
| somehow. I looked through the code and do not see any place where these
| could get swapped.
| The firmware is the most recent with -current of ~12/4. It is not doing
| WEP.
| Has anyone seen this before? Clues on how to debug?
I've had hangs on my system that I've suspected were ipw(4) related;
I couldn't get to the console because I was in X at the time.
Please submit a PR about this.
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