Subject: tcp_input.c: simplify a v6 check slightly? [patch]
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/19/2005 16:37:55
Browsing sys/netinet/tcp_input.c a bit more, I wonder if

 	#ifndef INET6
 	                if (inp == 0)
 	                if (inp == 0 && in6p == 0)

shouldn't be changed to be a bit more readable by not using negative 

 	#ifdef INET6
 		if (inp == 0 && in6p == 0)
 		if (inp == 0)

There is not change functionality, only make the code a bit easier to 
understand. The patch below does this. Any objections to commit?

  - Hubert

Index: tcp_input.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/netinet/tcp_input.c,v
retrieving revision 1.227
diff -u -r1.227 tcp_input.c
--- tcp_input.c	26 Apr 2005 05:37:45 -0000	1.227
+++ tcp_input.c	19 May 2005 14:27:36 -0000
@@ -1122,10 +1121,10 @@
-#ifndef INET6
-		if (inp == 0)
+#ifdef INET6
  		if (inp == 0 && in6p == 0)
+		if (inp == 0)

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