Subject: Re: TSO on wm(4) (Intel Pro/1000): i82546 vs i8254EI vs others?
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/22/2005 12:35:18
In message <>,
Jason Thorpe writes:
>Intel actually de-supported TSO on the 82544 at one point. There was
>an errata document on it. They offered little specifics, simply
>claiming that it did not work to spec, and was thus no longer supported.
The 82544 works for me, insofaras ttcp works with TSO enabled;
but I don't see a performance gain. Is there a software workaround?
(The words "at one point" hint that way.)
If not, then on balance I'd prefer that wm(4) not set the CSUM_TSOv4
capability on 82544 chips. Objections? Comments?